Page 22 - Kanji From Zero! book 1 - PDF SAMPLE
P. 22


                                  153. meat                                                         6 画
                                    くんよみ            none

                                    おんよみ            ニク


                 butcher                    pork                chicken meat                 muscle

               にく や                     ぶたにく                     とりにく                     きんにく
               肉屋                       豚     肉                  鶏     肉                  筋      肉

          25       Kanji Usage かんじの つかいかた

             25-1. A hairy situation! (毛)

              The editors of the book really didn’t want to include a section about body
              hair, but we all have hair… and that hair is on many parts of our body. So we

              felt it was our duty to add these words.

                                chest hair                                     fallen hair
                         胸毛  抜け毛

                                むね・げ                                           ぬけ・げ

                                eye brows                                      eye lashes
                         眉毛                                             睫毛

                                まゆ・げ                                           まつ・げ

                                nose hair                                     hair removal
                         鼻毛                                             脱毛

                                はな・げ                                          だつ・もう
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